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President’s Message

October 8, 2014

Bill Price, Chapter President




October and November are typically busy months for us, and this year is no exception. Coverage of events and other announcements affecting our Chapter will be in this space, in our Member News, and on our Facebook page. You can also expect a few extra emails from me.

Fairfax Resolves will be involved in the following activities during October:

1) Battle of Point Pleasant (Oct 4-5). On October 10, 1774, Colonel Andrew Lewis’ 1,100 Virginia militiamen decisively defeated a like number of Indians lead by the Shawnee Chieftain Cornstalk. Located in today’s west-central West Virginia, many historians treat this battle as the first of the Revolutionary War.

2) Battle of Kings Mountain (Oct 7). Located in Blacksburg, SC, our Color Guard and other Chapter members will participate in an 11AM wreath laying ceremony at Kings Mountain National Military Park.

3) Presentation of Fire Safety and Emergency Medical Service Commendation Medals (Oct 8). Chapter members will present our 2014 awards to public safety officers at stations located in Tysons Corner and Bailey’s Crossroads.

4) Chapter meeting (Oct 9). Read more here.

5) Grave Marking for VASSAR Color Guard Member Charles Francis Lay (Oct 11). Hosted by the Culpeper Minutemen Chapter, this event will be held at 3PM on the Lay Family Farm in Rapidan, Virginia.

6) Yorktown Victory Day Weekend (Oct 18-19). Two days of events will be held at Colonial Williamsburg (Oct 18) and Yorktown (Oct 19). Times and locations for each event are available here.

7) Yorktown Victory Day Luncheon (Oct 25). Hosted by the District of Columbia Society at the Fort McNair Officers Club and starting at 1130AM, the luncheon will feature a talk by Dr. Michael Crawford on events that led to France entering the war for American Independence. Registration for this event will be sent in a separate email.

Lastly, collection of 2015 Membership Dues will commence later this month. For most of you, dues will be $75: National ($30), State ($20), and Chapter ($25). Dues for Junior members will be $10: National ($5), State ($0), and Chapter ($5). Payment will need to be received by December 15, 2014. Additional information about dues collection (and donations to our two fund raisers, the Patriot Project and Magna Carta) will also be forthcoming.


Very respectfully,


William W. “Bill” Price, President


Fairfax Resolves, SAR






2024 Fairfax Resolves Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution